The Only Possible Thing To Do

28 years ago, I made some huge life-changing decisions. In the space of just a few weeks, I decided to leave my husband of 12 years, leave my corporate job of 15 years, sell my house, sell my car and move to another country.

At the time, those around me laid all their fears on me – what if something goes wrong? What if things don’t work out? What are you going to do?

I did it anyway. Not because I’m brave and have no fear, but because at that moment, it was the only possible thing for me to do. There were no other options. I had to take a chance on myself.

In February 2017, 28 years later, I did it all again. I left my husband of 27 years, my B&B business of 17 years, my house in France is for sale and I moved back to the UK

The only difference this time is the time it took me to come to this decision. Instead of taking just a few weeks, it’s taken me over 7 years.

But I did it anyway.

Despite being terrified

Despite that fact that it may have looked irrational

You see, when we try to make rational, logical and reasonable decisions we ignore the voice of our hearts.

There were a gazillion reasons why I should have stayed in France and I believed them for years and years, even though my intuition was telling me to leave.

But what about the house?
What about the B&B?
What about – I have no money, it’s our family home, the kids grew up there, it’s a beautiful place, it’s Champagne!!! and blah blah blah and on and on and so I stayed.

If I had the money, I’d leave
If I had somewhere to go and a way to support myself, I’d leave
If I could be certain of the way forward, I’d leave

What will people think?
I’ll stay and make it work
I won’t give up
How could I be so ungrateful?
I’m too old now
It’s too late

Then I woke up.

I realised that it’s not going to be any easier next year.
The way will show itself when I make a commitment to myself
I needed to trust the voice from inside – my intuition

Life is not certain.

There are no guarantees. None.

Opportunities never come when it’s convenient. It’s always messy. People will judge and criticise you whatever you do.

Listen to your intuition and you’ll never go wrong. It always acts in your best interests, even if it doesn’t quite look like you expected it to.

I have recently been featured in Honestly Woman online magazine and you can read the full article by CLICKING HERE

Yvonne x





Yvonne Halling runs transformational retreats for women in luxurious destinations around the world. 

CLICK HERE to find out more

“Yvonne Halling is an earth angel”  AC, UK


Recipe for Change

Our level of resistance to facing the thing that we know needs to change, indicates the level of urgency to which we need to do it.  The more the resistance, the more urgent it becomes.

The soul – that part of us that is divine, eternal, out of this world is for expansion.  It’s like the oak tree who never decides not to grow, it just grows and expands until it dies.

This is the soul.  It wants to grow and expand until it leaves our bodies, then it will grow and expand in another form.

When we reach out for “help” or we’re “just curious” – that is our soul whispering “yes, let’s expand”  And so the opportunity is right there in that moment for us to take the leap.

Then the discomfort of being faced with an opportunity to leap into the next version of ourself, the next level of income, the new relationships, the new body, the new “you” is right there for the taking

Then the “human” part of us jumps right in and starts talking us out of it.  It’s not the right time, it’s too expensive, I can’t afford that, I need to ask permission, get approval, this doesn’t make sense etc. etc.

Then others will join in, and the voices of their opinions will drown out anything we ever thought we wanted or desired

The voices,  internal and external,  become so loud and so convincing that the voice of the soul can no longer be heard.

And so we slip right back into the same state we were in before we reached out for “help”

And the discomfort subsides

Phew!  That was close

I almost said “yes”

And then nothing changes

Until the next time we feel the call of the soul to expand

And this sequence of events repeats itself

We reach out for “help” again…

It takes courage to break this cycle

It takes a belief in ourselves that we are actually worth it

That our dreams and desires actually matter

It takes being able to take a stand for what we want and no longer tolerating what we have, no matter how good that might look to others

It takes risking something

Recently I was at an event where Ian Dickson was speaking and he gave me his recipe for change.

I share it with you here:

D = Dissatisfation with the way things are – I’m talking massive dissatisfaction here, not just an irritation.

Multiplied by

V = Vision for what you actually do want to create, like really really want.  It could be just the opposite of what is happening right now, and that’s a great place to start


F = Being willing to take the first step and trusting in the process of change.  Without taking the first step, nothing will change, because change depends on action.  Thinking about change won’t cut it

>R = Greater than your Resistance.  Resistance only shows up when change is possible.  It’s the friction that creates the motivation, like the friction between the road and the tyres.  When the wheel moves, the tyres create friction with the road.  Movement – friction

There’s a lot of talk around about motivation, but I believe that it’s only the extreme dissatisfaction that creates the motivation.  People don’t change of their own free will.  Either something internal or external forces them to change.

For me, the house we were living in the UK caught fire and left us homeless.  We moved into a caravan – no change

We moved back to France, and the gas was cut off – we started boiling water to wash – no change

The bailiffs knocked on the door to foreclose (repossess) our French home – that was it!

Massive change





Yvonne Halling helps business owners to make epic leaps in their income and happiness FAST.  CLICK HERE to book a no-obligation 1:1 call with her to uncover the reasons you’re not making the leaps you want to make.



What’s holding you back?

Dreaming of moneyHave you ever secretly dreamed of « making money while you sleep » ?

Have you ever wondered how those “gurus” do webinars, write blog posts, send out emails to you, get interviewed, do videos, build 6 figure businesses and on and on, when your to-do list just keeps on getting longer?

What would it take for you to have all that handled, so you can just do what you love?

The answer might surprise you, it certainly surprised me.

It’s just one thing really – technology

I know, I know, you hate technology, or you just can’t do it, or it always breaks down when you try. I know.

So let’s just leave all that to one side for the moment, and talk about the results you want in your business…..

Let me guess….

  • You want more clients

  • You want more higher-paying clients

  • You want to be known and recognised for what you do

  • You want to have clients coming to you instead of you chasing them up

  • You want to make more money

  • You want to have more fun doing it

  • You want freedom

  • You want your life back

  • You want….. add your own here…..

To make money while you sleep, and make all of the above a reality, you need to master three simple things:

Build yourself a list of raving fans, whose problems you can help solve

A formula for turning those raving fans into paying clients, where you will help solve their problems

And a structure for getting paid, because you deserve to be paid

Simple but not easy, right?  There are many steps to each of these three simple things, and I’m willing to bet that if you’re in business already, you’ve already got some of it going on, but the truth is that unless you have the whole picture handled, then you are more than likely spinning your wheels, and not growing your business in the way you want to and deserve to.

Need some help?

CLICK HERE to set up a call where we can talk about what you need

Yvonne x

Yvonne June 13 web



«I am less than 24 hours into my coaching with the remarkable woman that is Yvonne Halling. I feel like she has woken me from a self-induced coma. In the past 12 hours I have put into place 90% of the materials and plans I have had sitting on my desk for the past 12 months!”


Yvonne Halling is known as the winner of Infusionsoft’s 2013 Ultimate Marketer Contest “Best in Class for Customer Satisfaction”  where she used technology to grow her little B&B business from almost nothing to over 6 figures in less than 2 years. 





How to make money while you sleep – is it even possible?

Make money while you sleepWhen someone told me I could make money while I sleep I thought yeah, right…..

You’re probably thinking yeah right, too

So let me tell you a story….

Some years ago, I used to run a little bed and breakfast business in France, and when I first opened it in 2000, we didn’t even have the internet!

We’d wait in on Friday nights to see if anyone turned up. Most of the time someone did, but hey, we weren’t relying on the money to pay the bills, it was just a bit of fun for me, so it didn’t really matter.

Fast forward to 9 years later, and suddenly, overnight, that little B&B had become our only source of income and making €10k a year just wasn’t going to cut it. Something had to change…..

In that time lapse, the internet had happened and that made a huge difference to the way we did things. I discovered that I could make money while I sleep.

Yes it was real.

And all it took was a change in the way I did business, to allow guests to book online whenever they wanted, from wherever they were in the world, and make a deposit payment into my Paypal account.

I can still remember the excitement when I opened my email in the morning to find that someone had booked a room and paid me some money, while I was sleeping! Incredible!

So how does this relate to you and your business?

Making money while you sleep is not just for B&B businesses. It can work for any business, and it works especially well for service providers, professional services, and those in the “how to” sector of business. Is that you?

If you’re in any way in the business of selling expertise or know how, then this model can and will work for you. I worked with a client recently, and we packaged up some of her products and services which were lying around gathering dust on her computer, and within a couple of months, she had dramatically increased her income.

I helped another client with her systems to sell online and make money while she slept.

There is a system to making money while you sleep, and it’s not complicated. However there are a couple of moving parts:

  1. Decide on who you can best help, specifically and what their “pain” is that you can help alleviate
  2. Do a quick survey to find out what their words are when they describe ther “pain” – it’s very important to use their words
  3. Create a free report, addressing 3-5 “pain” points and use their words to desribe the problem and then offer the solution. Caution here – you don’t want to be giving away the whole farm here, just what you do to help solve the problem, not the “how to” – that’s for later.
  4. Use client testimonials to back up your claims. Just one liners will be good enough
  5. Let them know inside the free report what their next steps are to get your help – is it a free consult, is it your next low cost product, is it taking them to a webpage? Always be thinking about the next logical step that your potential client needs to take to solve their “pain”.

I want to inspire you to put in place a mechanism where you too can make money while you sleep. How good would it feel for you to know that your business is making money without you?

How good would it feel to know that you are in control of your income?

And how good would it feel to know that you are serving hundreds of people without you even being there?

Just imagine the impact you could have on the world, if you took the time to learn how to do this.

Could you change the way you do business to allow people to purchase from you while you’re sleeping?

How good would it feel for you to wake up in the morning and find that someone has bought something from you while you were away in never-never land?

How hard is it for people to buy from you? Are you putting YOU in the way of that smooth online purchase?

Do you even have anything that people can buy while you’re not there?

Ponder on this, because in the second of this 3 part of this blog series, I’m going to show you how easy it is to set this up, no matter what business you’re in. So stay tuned

In the meantime….. To your success



I am a Consultant/Mentor/Coach to fast moving small business owners who have ideas in the morning, create products in the afternoons and want to sell them overnight while they’re sleeping. I’m an award winning online marketer, and an expert in systems and processes which make money.


Do you have a sales and marketing system?

Yves RocherI love plant-based cosmetics and beauty products.  Near where I live there’s a branch of a national chain of shops called Yves Rocher.  They’re a bit like The Body Shop.  I love how they are always keeping in touch with me with reasons to visit the shop again and again.   I go there often, and am a fan of their products and their sales and marketing system.  It works for them, because I am always buying stuff from them, and it works for me, because I feel special.  They even send me a birthday card!

It intrigued me to find out how other small businesses use sales and marketing systems, and so I set up a little survey, and the results were quite worrying because hardly anyone has one!  Some of them have been running their businesses for some years and still have no sales and marketing system.  So what do I mean by that and why does it matter?

A sales and marketing system is one which brings you a steady stream of ideal clients, with whom you then build a relationship, and then if it’s right for them, and for you, convert them into paying clients, naturally.  You then deliver an amazing experience for them, they write you a wonderful testimonial which you then use to bring in more ideal clients, while your existing clients are busy buying more of your products and services.

It could look like this:

All successful businesses are built on some kind of system.  I bet you’re already running a system but maybe can’t yet identify it and the moving parts.  This is where confusion and procrastination starts, because when we don’t have a clearly defined system, we don’t know what to do each day, and that can sometimes leave us scrambling around for money and clients.

Do you have a system for making prospects aware of you and your amazing services?  Do you have a way to build a relationship with them and let them know about your transformational solutions?  Are you making good use of those glowing testimonials to attract more and more people to you?

And here’s the biggie – are you using technology to automate it, so it works like a well-oiled machine, without you?

I’d love to get your feedback, so please leave me a comment below 🙂


Yvonne June 13 web


How to Generate 17 Hot Leads In 24 Hours

Target MarketLast month, as a special Valentine’s Day gift,  I invited my list of prospects to a free call with me to talk about their problems.  17 gorgeous people accepted my gift within 24 hours.  Not bad, eh?

How can you make that happen for you?

Generating 17 juicy hot leads in less than 24 hours starts a long way back, so let’s do some reverse engineering.  Here’s what needs to be in place first…

1.  You decide on who you are going to serve.  You evaluate the knowledge, expertise and skills you have that others would pay for, and wherever possible, are already paying for.  Yes, that means if someone else is doing what you want to do, and doing it successfully, that’s a GOOD sign

2.  You set up a website to attract those ideal clients you’ve just identified, using language and imagery that they would relate to.  You may need to do some research first to find out what they want.

3.  Next you develop products and services that those people would love to buy, and if possible, will already be buying from someone else.  Don’t worry, you won’t have to do anything sneaky or weird like copy anybody.

4.  Then you employ the magic of online technology to automatically attract and keep in touch with those ideal prospects, while you’re busy with your ideal clients

5.  Then ramp up the technology to gather more ideal folk into your camp, with juicy offers and promotions using social media, blogging and other whizz bang online marketing.

Simple to say… not so simple to do, unless you know how, or you know someone who can show you.

I help small businesses worldwide to convert their passive web-shop window into a lean, mean sales and marketing machine.  Would you like to talk about it?  CLICK HERE to book a free call to see if we’re right for each other.

Looking forward to it!

Yvonne 🙂

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The Smart Coach Tech Tool Kit

Tool boxAre you a coach, trainer, seminar leader, speaker or service-based business?

Do you help clients with what you know or are trained in?

Did you know that 99.999999% of people in the “helping” business are completely averse and even afraid of technology?

Are you?

If you answered yes, then you are definitely not alone.  But here’s the thing….. technology is there to make our lives easier.  Yes, there is a learning curve in the beginning, but after you’ve learned how to do it, you’ll wonder how you ever lived your life without it.

Think of it like learning to drive a car.  It all feels really scary to begin with, and then before you know it, you’re driving around in your car, like you were born to it!

I help service-based business owners like you to plan and implement technology to make your life easier, and in this blog post, I’ve listed the tools that you need, if you are serious about making your business and your life work.  And if you’d like some help, book a free call with me by CLICKING HERE (technology in action!)

  1. SEO optimised  and responsive WordPress website which allows Google and other search engines to find you and rank you according to the search terms typed in by your potential clients.  WordPress also allows you to update your blog, add pages, images, videos and make all manner of changes, whenever the mood takes you, and without having to wait on a webmaster.
  2. Web analytics to know where my visitors are coming from, what websites are referring me and what pages visitors are visiting the most, so I can better evaluate marketing channels and future investment.  I use Google Analytics
  3. Web hosting so that your website is secure and can’t easily be hacked, and if it is hacked, which happened to me recently, it is backed up sufficiently to enable it to be re-installed very quickly.  I use Hostgator
  4. Online scheduling system that is accessible from your website, making it really easy for your potential clients to book a free consultation with you.  You must have a steady stream of these coming through your “sales funnel” on an ongoing basis.  I use vCita
  5. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to keep accurate records of all clients, their preferences, their purchases, when they bought,  if they’ve been referred, what results they got, and to allow you to communicate regularly and legally with different segments of your customer list according to different criteria.  I use Infusionsoft for this task. CLICK HERE to see what it can do for you.
  6. Lead generation software to attract prospects,  working behind the scenes on auto-pilot and building an emotional connection with them.  Prospects are potential clients that haven’t yet made the decision to purchase, and you want to be there for them to answer their questions.  You could use Aweber for this, but again Infusionsoft does this perfectly.
  7. Autoresponder software to allow you to communicate automatically with potential and existing clienst,  so you don’t forget to send them vital information to help them make the next purchasing decision.  Can you tell I’m a big fan of Infusionsoft?  CLICK HERE to see how it works.
  8. Video camera to capture great testimonials at your events.  (I hope you’re doing events)  You can use your smart phone or a normal camera that takes videos.  There are loads to choose from on Amazon.
  9. Video editing software which allows you to make short videos, edit them and upload to the web for distribution, giving Google and the search engines even more reasons to rank you for relevant search terms.  I use Camtasia
  10. Facility to take online payments, directly from your website, and popped into your bank account.  I use both Paypal and WorldPay.  WorldPay allows me to take credit cards over the phone as soon as the client has made the purchasing decision to work with me. WorldPay also takes care of recurring subscription payments, but I understand that Paypal’s PayFlow does this now and integrates directly with Infusionsoft.
  11. Membership software to allow your international clients to learn online with you.   This is fairly advanced stuff, and only worthwhile if you’re big into online learning.  I help clients globally and use Imember360, and I confess, I have someone else take care of that technology!

What have I missed out?  Please leave me a comment below and let me know.  I’d love to hear from you 😉

Yvonne x

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