About Yvonne

Hello and thank you for visiting my site.  I’m Yvonne Halling and I’ve been running a bed and breakfast business in the heart of the Champagne region of France.  I opened it in 2000 with just two rooms as a hobby.  My husband was travelling with his job and I was home alone with our two small daughters.  I needed someone to talk to, so I opened a B&B.

And we loved it!  However, everything changed in 2005 when my husband lost his job and we returned to the UK.  After a string of challenges, including two failed businesses, the house catching fire and us living in a caravan for 4 months, we finally returned to our home in France.

In 2009 I re-opened the B&B with 4 rooms and set about growing that business so that it would support us.  Within two years my revenue sky-rocketed from making almost nothing to making over six figures.  I then won Infusionsoft’s Ultimate Marketer Contest “Best in Class Customer Satisfaction” and I wrote my book “Bed and Breakfast Magic! How to Transform Your B&B into a Booming Six Figure Business”.

I was then asked to speak at several industry events in the USA, and other businesses around the world then started asking me for help.  I launched Yvonne Halling, Consultant, Mentor, Coach and now assist small business owners worldwide online with a big vision to:

  • Create a strategy around the results they want in their business
  • Implement the strategy, hold them accountable and coach them around their obstacles
  • Leverage their sales and marketing processes to massively expand quickly
  • Transform into the person they need to become to have the results they want
  • Turn their vision into reality as quickly as possible

Could you use some down to earth practical help in your business?  Are you frustrated with the mediocre results you’re getting but can’t seem to break through to the income and happiness level you desire? Why not book a call with me and let’s talk?

CLICK HERE to choose a day and time to suit you.

Looking forward to it!

Yvonne 🙂




