Do you have a sales and marketing system?

Yves RocherI love plant-based cosmetics and beauty products.  Near where I live there’s a branch of a national chain of shops called Yves Rocher.  They’re a bit like The Body Shop.  I love how they are always keeping in touch with me with reasons to visit the shop again and again.   I go there often, and am a fan of their products and their sales and marketing system.  It works for them, because I am always buying stuff from them, and it works for me, because I feel special.  They even send me a birthday card!

It intrigued me to find out how other small businesses use sales and marketing systems, and so I set up a little survey, and the results were quite worrying because hardly anyone has one!  Some of them have been running their businesses for some years and still have no sales and marketing system.  So what do I mean by that and why does it matter?

A sales and marketing system is one which brings you a steady stream of ideal clients, with whom you then build a relationship, and then if it’s right for them, and for you, convert them into paying clients, naturally.  You then deliver an amazing experience for them, they write you a wonderful testimonial which you then use to bring in more ideal clients, while your existing clients are busy buying more of your products and services.

It could look like this:

All successful businesses are built on some kind of system.  I bet you’re already running a system but maybe can’t yet identify it and the moving parts.  This is where confusion and procrastination starts, because when we don’t have a clearly defined system, we don’t know what to do each day, and that can sometimes leave us scrambling around for money and clients.

Do you have a system for making prospects aware of you and your amazing services?  Do you have a way to build a relationship with them and let them know about your transformational solutions?  Are you making good use of those glowing testimonials to attract more and more people to you?

And here’s the biggie – are you using technology to automate it, so it works like a well-oiled machine, without you?

I’d love to get your feedback, so please leave me a comment below 🙂


Yvonne June 13 web


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