Yvonne has woken me from a self-induced coma

«I am less than 24 hours into my coaching with the remarkable woman that is Yvonne Halling. I feel like she has woken me from a self-induced coma and I am waking up to a life filled with colour, excitement and energy. I am very lucky to love what I do. As a coach and mentor to a phenomenal community of people I spend my time sharing my expertise, knowledge and guidance to help them grow their business with joy. I take the guess work out of knowing what to do and how to drive their businesses forward.

My personal ‘pain’ is that I have not been able to share my own challenges, uncertainties and questions with anyone else. As qualified coach myself I 100% know how powerful coaching is in propelling people forward. I see the impact myself in the work my clients do and how much they go on to achieve. So it has been ironic that I haven’t been coached in quite a long time and it makes absolute sense to me now, on hindsight that I have in some respects stalled. Stalled in my motivation. Stalled in my vision. Stalled in my overall intended progress.

Yvonne has turned the lights back on for me and I’m like a child in a sweet shop. It can take just one word or a sentence to put enough sting into your psyche to kick start your momentum. And kick start it she did. I am, inherently an action and vision centred person and this is where I feel most alive.

In the past 12 hours I have put into place 90% of the materials and plans I have had sitting on my desk for the past 12 months!

If you’ve ever been uncertain and wary of that fluffy thing called ‘coaching’ you’ll soon realise that with Yvonne,  it is anything but”

Susanna Kelly

Image & Style Advisors Network


Yvonne has woken me from a self-induced coma